Report damage

Insurance of consumer electronics/household appliances/IT

Insurance of consumer electronics and household appliances covers repair costs of damaged or broken appliances, which could have occurred accidentally or when using an appliance.

We offer a variety of insurance options including manufacturer warranty extension and protection from the consequences of an unfortunate accident from the purchase date. Insurance covers repair costs and replacement if an item is irreparable.

About the insurance
We offer a few insurance options, covering comprehensively all kinds of consumer electronics and household appliances.

Extended Warranty Insurance:
Covers a broken-down item’s repair costs (including labor and replacement parts). Insurance cover starts once the manufacturer warranty expires.

Accidental damage insurance:
Protects against unfortunate accidents and mechanical damages caused by external factors. The insurance starts on the day of purchase.

Repair guarantee insurance:
Package product protects against both results of breakdowns and unfortunate accidents providing either a free repair or a replacement if an item is deemed irreparable.

Free repair insurance:
Covers all stationery broken-down consumer electronics, household appliances, and IT, provided these items are up to 6 years old. This insurance includes a free house call by a technician, an expert appraisal, and labor costs.

Screen protection insurance:
Covers smartphone, navigation, or tablet screens against sudden and unforeseeable mechanical damages (cracks, scratches, tears, etc.) which make an item unusable.

Major appliances (washing machines, dishwashers, fridges, etc.)
Minor appliances (irons, vacuum cleaners, juicers, kitchen robots, etc.)
Consumer electronics (LED TVs, OLED TVs, plasma display panels, CRTs, etc.)
IT appliances (laptops, netbooks, desktop computers, e-book readers, etc.)
HiFi appliances (home cinemas, blue-ray players, HiFI towers, etc.)
Game consoles
Cameras, objective lenses
Smartphones, smartwatches, smartbands
Lawnmowers (combustion-engine-powered and electric)
Scooters up to 50 ccm
Electric kick scooters
Repair or replacement even if an item is in the fifth year of service
Fast and professional assistance in case of a breakdown or an unfortunate accident
It is possible to report a claim by phone, mail, e-mail, or online
Swift claims handling
An insurance policy is a lot cheaper than a new item
Protection in case of a breakdown, theft, or robbery

We guarantee:

– Attractive and competitive insurance quotes.
– Innovative online system dedicated to both issuing policies and reporting claims.
– Fast and efficient claims authorization and payouts.
– Product and sales training sessions for our Partners.
– Supporting for marketing activities and loyalty programs.
– Sales reports via the dedicated CRM platform.
– Constant care of a local sales rep.
– Highly qualified call center.

Message concerning the Insurers waiving their right to demand a return of an original insurance document in case of a total loss.

Dear Sir or Madam, kindly note, that those policyholders, who have concluded insurance policies for their household appliances purchased from a retailer or a regional distributor and whose insurance policies are with either Helvetia Schweizerische Versicherungsgesellschaft in Liechtenstein AG or Lloyd’s Insurance Company SA established in Bastion Tower, Brussels, Belgium (previously Lloyd’s Syndicate 4444 established in London, UK), in case of total loss are not required to return insurance documents to those retailers or regional distributors, as the insurers have waived this right.